Wrap, slim or colourful: ZEISS lenses fit the bill every time!
Fashionable frames & precision lenses? A challenge that demands the utmost in optical know-how
Every season, the catwalks in the world's major fashion meccas give us a fascinating glimpse of things to come. This also applies to eyewear. With their inventive creations, designers repeatedly confront lens manufacturers with new challenges: how can the extravagance of the latest styles be combined with optimum optical quality? Wrap SPORT lenses from ZEISS are an ideal example of a perfectly optimised interplay of frame and lens.
With or without prescription power, with or without a tint, standard or wrap – the spectrum of eyewear available these days is constantly growing. Spectacles for everyday use, a fashionable appearance, our holidays or sport are available in a multitude of designs. This means anyone can find the right model to match their appearance and personal style. Just about anything goes. But what about the lenses? Are they just as versatile? As experts in dynamic vision solutions, ZEISS offers lenses that feature outstanding precision and innovation – and that, of course, also includes aspects of fashion.
Curved excellence
Wrap designs used to be associated exclusively with sports spectacles and sunglasses. Not any more! So, fashion fans, perk up your ears and listen carefully: wrap frames have now become definite must-haves. The dynamically shaped frames are worn by true individualists who want a combination of top-class design with outstanding functionality.
Whether designer, fashionable or sports frames – a wrap lens makes special demands on optical optimization and lens production. To perfectly incorporate each wearer's personal prescription, special optical know-how and leading-edge technology are required to prevent the aberrations resulting from the laws of physics – particularly in the peripheral areas of the lens. To remedy this situation, ZEISS has developed lenses using an innovative optical design that offer the highest precision: ZEISS SPORT for wrap frames. Available with progressive and single vision design options, these lenses offer maximum visual comfort in highly curved frame shapes. On the subject of comfort: the highly curved design of the frame ensures that it fits more closely against your face, protecting your eye from draughts during sporting activities. So, you can go out cycling, wait patiently at a draughty bus stop or even enjoy a ride on a big wheel without the usual tears in your eyes. What better way to combine comfort and design?
The lighter, the better
Lightweight aluminium or titanium frames are always in vogue. But what use is even the lightest frame if the lenses add unnecessary weight to your spectacles? ZEISS has the answer – thin precision lenses you'll hardly know you're wearing. To ensure that the lenses can meet the challenges of everyday life, a further ZEISS innovation is recommended: thanks to DuraVision® Platinum technology ZEISS lenses can be provided with a special surface coating. This coating offers excellent scratch resistance and minimises irritating reflections on the lens surface – to ensure that you enjoy clear, perfect vision for the longest time possible!
Digital specialists
The digital world confronts our eyes with special challenges: they have to switch constantly between using digital devices and viewing in the distance. When you reach a certain age, this can mean stress for your eyes – even if you haven't needed progressive lenses until now. ZEISS has come up with another smart solution for the increasing demands now being made on your eyes: ZEISS Digital Lenses support your eyes for near vision (e.g. when you are using your smartphone) and provide clear, unrestricted vision for all other viewing ranges at the same time. This can considerably reduce eye strain – and give your eyes a more relaxing day at work! These lenses are the perfect choice for the digital age.
Colour experts
Retro frames are all the rage these days. Whether for round, cats-eye or aviator frames – tinted lenses from the new ZEISS colour range make them totally unique. The colours on offer focus sharply on the current styles and trends created by fashion designers. And you can have your own special colour "mixed" by the company on request. Tinted lenses have many benefits: they can enhance contrast, reduce glare, help conceal tell-tale wrinkles, increase visual comfort, and simply make you feel better. In other words, they add the perfect finish to your fashionable appearance.
Sun and glare protection